RETA Pregnancy Clinic & Family Resources

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A Father Learns and Makes Changes

A male client who has been involved in Men’s Coaching for about 15 months agreed to share about his experience at RETA.

The biggest learning lesson I have come away with is how to control my anger with my son. Whenever I received calls or was forced to leave work due to his behavior at school, I did not have the tools to display self-control. Since RETA, I have been able to focus my anger into constructive discipline.

Another area I have benefitted from RETA is how to be a better parent. RETA has provided me with the tools for discipline and relationship with my son. There have been many positive changes in our home since coming to RETA. Setting some rules has brought us more structure, even though I have a lot more to learn.

When I first came to RETA, my son had multiple complaints and issues at school. It improved last year and so far, this year there have been no complaints or issue with him at school. My son’s behavior has improved, and he is listening better to the teachers.

My personal communication with teachers and administrators has improved. I didn’t know how to interact with the school system here since I grew up in Haiti. The tools RETA provided allow me to have better discussions with staff and faculty, along with being able to understand my son’s report cards.

My Spiritual growth has increased. I am closer to God and feel I don’t neglect my relationship with God like before.

I have a greater hope for the future now that I know how to meet my goals.

Since coming to RETA, I have learned to be a better parent, and specifically raising a son. If he has children in the future, I feel more prepared to be a big part of my grandkids lives.

I am now more patient, and not the same as before. I am a different person.

For future clients, my advice is that RETA has given me the tools for growth to become a better man and father and a future spouse.

-Men’s Coaching Client