RETA Pregnancy Clinic & Family Resources

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Two Snapshots | Men's Coaching

One client has had a few problems dogging his steps. He is in the process of having his drivers’ license restored and has a low income, so our Family Store has been a major blessing to him, and each week he takes home items for his sons. For a few months, he was under a cloud of possible eviction due to conflict with the property manager and some unresolved disputes. When legal procedures were followed, my client found favor with the court, and maintaining his stable housing has brought him a sense of peace. He recently used his mechanical skills to help a friend repair a car, and was given money and a meal as thanks. He is excited about almost two years of personal sobriety, and is exercising great self-control in the midst of some tough situations. So far, he has achieved the first three Levels in Men’s Coaching, and was affirmed and rewarded as a “Role Model”, “Contender”, and “Hero”. Please pray for his continued progress and that he would become even more open to spiritual things.

Another client stated that he wanted to work on strengthening communication with his wife and young children. He is firm yet kind, and has high expectations but is realistic and flexible. He wants good things for his kids both now and for their future. He is willing to lead and does not want to be a bully. As we have discussed how to teach and correct misbehavior, he is trying to avoid nitpicking and overexplaining. We have connected health in marriage with demonstrating grace, love, and patience in communication. He is being intentional about time with each family member and about being the guy they all want to be around. Communication is always a two-way street, and in a recent session he highlighted the lesson piece he wants to stick on the refrigerator so he and his wife can practice together. He is taking responsibility for being proactively positive with his entire family. Please pray that his thoughtful efforts would result in his family knowing how much they mean to him.

As we reflect on what God is doing in people’s lives, we see that God wants people to be comfortable in their homes and with their families. God wants dads and kids to know each other well. God wants couples to speak truthfully, kindly, and openly with each other. God wants marriages to be stable and successful. God wants us to have clear minds and make good decisions. At RETA we do too and are doing our part. We are thankful for faithful supporters that make it possible to know and serve our clients.

by Jeff, Men’s Coaching Manager