Triplets?! Please Help.


This summer, I had the privilege of meeting with a mom on our mobile. She had been to RETA for a few of her other pregnancies, but this time was different; while she was happily married and had a beautiful family, she was not wanting to add yet another child to her large family. The thought of the complications from previous pregnancies, long hospital stays and medical issues with her younger children, and the stresses that everyday life brings was wearing her down. With a positive pregnancy test, she was overwhelmed and weary.  

Instead of excitement or amazement at the sight of her baby on the ultrasound, her sense of feeling overwhelmed grew exponentially…there were multiple babies on the screen! How could this young mom add multiple children to her large family and provide the care and nurture they all needed? Physically and emotionally she did not feel she had it in her to do this. I talked with her and helped her process what she was thinking and feeling, and prayed with her that God would give her the strength and peace she needed to complete this seemingly impossible task. In the following months I was able to stay in contact with her by phone and continued to pray with her.

Thanks to our wonderful supporters at RETA, not only were we able to provide her support during the initial ultrasound, but throughout her pregnancy until her babies were born! Per doctor’s orders, she was not allowed to do much work and was put on bedrest near the end of her pregnancy, so our gracious volunteers and staff took action and brought delicious meals to her family, helped out with housework, donated clothing for her children, and overwhelmed her family with love and prayerful support.

Her beautiful babies were born very premature, but amazingly the doctors did not have any concern or see any health issues with babies beyond their need to grow bigger to be sent home! That is very rare in a situation like this, but God supplied her with miracles in abundance!

by Melody, Nurse/Sonographer