Parent Help Across State Lines


A client who moved away a few years ago recently called to process how to handle a parenting situation with her toddler and the preschool her daughter is attending. The mom was frustrated and unsure of how to speak with the school and how to best help her daughter. We talked through healthy ways to communicate with the school and age-appropriate methods to relate to her daughter. She started the conversation in panic and ended with some specific ways to deal with the conflict.

The client called a few days later with an update. She shared that the meeting with the school went great. They came to a compromise that everyone could agree on and she felt good about. She commented that she stopped in front of the school, held her daughter’s hand, and prayed before taking her into the building.

The mom asked that we continue to pray for her. When she first came to RETA about five years ago, she wasn’t interested in prayer and was confrontational in almost every relationship. It is so exciting to see her working through conflict in a healthy way and turning to God to guide her through life. What a blessing to us that even though she is now living in another state, she still knows RETA is only a phone call away!

by Joni, Client Services Manager