A Heart Connection

A client came into our office for a pregnancy test. She was single and already had children. She was living with her mother and had just started a new job. Her boyfriend was not supportive in the situation at all. With all of these things stacked against her, she felt her only option was abortion. However, this was a choice she had made in her past that she deeply regretted. It was a very traumatic experience for her and she did not want to go through it again. At this appointment, we were able to connect her with resources to help her with housing and other financial obligations so that she felt like she was able to choose life. But she was still on the fence about what to do. She then came in for an ultrasound and was able to see her child’s heartbeat. She really connected with her child during that visit. She is still working on getting things in place for herself and her children, but I connected with her recently. She let me know about an appointment she’d had with her OB doctor where she was able to hear her baby’s heartbeat. She sounded so joyful at this! I am so happy that she had the strength and courage to choose life for her child!

by Kim, Nurse/Sonographer