Happily Walking Forward

A man I will call Mark has a fun personality and is faithful to attend Men’s Coaching sessions. He cares for his three children with the help of a supportive relative; the kids’ mothers are unable to be in their lives due to various struggles. Being previously incarcerated has created distance between him and his kids. He wants to communicate better and more gently with them, and not let stress and frustration come out like it used to. He really enjoys the parenting lessons we do together. He asks good questions and he follows through on all the homework. He is grateful to spend his points in our Family Store, especially when his work slows down.

Mark has shared about attempting specific tactics from our sessions. One of the kids spends more time with him now when they work out at a gym while a more reserved child prefers to watch movies together and talk about them. He recently led them in organizing a better system for getting chores done, and the kids are handling their responsibilities well with better attitudes. He was excited to share about his new way of welcoming them home from school with healthy snacks and giving them time to settle in before asking about homework. It is fun to hear him share these stories with a brightness in his eyes and in his spirit.

Mark is making excellent progress in his fathering efforts. Please pray that he would have more consistent employment and income, and that his family relationships would continue to deepen and be enriched.

by Jeff, Men’s Coaching Manager