Referrals, Risks & Boundaries

Many clients come to RETA on their own, and some are referred. We are so grateful for the community partners who trust us enough to send men, women, and teenagers to receive our services. Our abstinence education program, recently renamed Risks & Boundaries, receives regular referrals from local juvenile probation officers. During the summer, we were busy updating our office forms, medical statistics, and the overall policy. We are excited about the changes, and are confident in the integrity of the program. We serve male and female students 1-on-1 in the office, and we present to groups in local schools and churches. Since 2020, we have even been able to meet with many clients from California via Zoom sessions! As we challenge students to set boundaries in order to avoid the potential risks of sexual behavior, we look forward to having an even greater positive impact in our community.

by Jeff, Men’s Coaching Manager